Visit and/or register at Parts.Cat.Com for real-time pricing and availability.
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Go to “Sign in /Register” and select “REGISTER”.
Choose your Boyd CAT branch location.
Complete Registration Form. We will follow up to confirm your account.
Navigate to and Sign in or Register. New customers will need to register before checking out.
Choose your associated dealer, store location preference and click continue.
Navigate to the shopping cart. Enter the part numbers you need in the quick order or search for part in the search bar and add the item to the cart.
Enter a Need by Date to indicate the date in which your part is needed by and Proceed to Checkout.
Choose between the Pick Up or Delivery options.
Enter a purchase order number if needed.
Continue to summary and payment.
Choose your preferred payment method and review your order information.
Click Place Order
We are happy to help you and walk you through the ordering process or answer any questions that you may have.
Option 1: You have your part number available: Type in part number or keyword search term into the search bar.
Option 2: You do not have your part number(s). There are several ways we can help you find the parts you need.
Option 3: If you need help identifying the parts needed for a particular service or repair. Search using the Parts Manuals link at the top of the homepage, your Operation & Maintenance Manual (OMM) or by contacting your Cat Dealer.
Follow these steps to create an account in PCC:
On the Shopping Cart page, near the top right, click on the Import button. You will see choices to Upload a Spreadsheet in CSV or XLS format. Choosing one of these options will bring up a window where you can upload a file from your computer. This window also has a sample file you can use to ensure your list is formatted correctly for upload.
A saved list allows you to save a list of parts for future / repeat purchase. And because it is saved within the site you can access it from anywhere by logging in to Parts.Cat.Com. Once you are logged in, click on your name near the top right of the site and in the drop-down menu click on Saved Lists. On that page you can click on Upload List to import a file from your computer, or click Create List to manually enter a list of parts and save it. You can also save a list of parts already in the Shopping Cart. Within the shopping cart page near the top right, click the Save button, then in the drop-down list choose Save to List.
Click on the Account section in the main header and select My Account Summary. The Recent Order History will display the last three orders you have placed. You could also click on Order History on the left side menu to conduct a more extensive search using the different filters available. Using the filters, you could look up orders placed by you or by other buyers in your company, select different date ranges, or search for orders with specific part, order, serial or purchase numbers within the last two years. For orders older than two years, please contact your dealer.