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Cat® transfer switches are designed for a variety of standby power applications. They provide flexibility, reliability and value in a compact package. The open transition power case switch-based Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) will provide fully functioning transfer in applications where a momentary loss of power is acceptable on retransfer from emergency to normal power supply. The Cat power case switch-based ATS also permits periodic testing of the emergency source without interrupting power to the loads and are available from 200 to 5000.

Key Features

More Comfort. More Performance. More Versatility.

ATC-900 microprocessor-based controller and Power Breaker

Fastest switching times available (<3 cycles)
Full 60-cycle short time withstand capability

All controls relays and industrial grade relays

Lugs are 90� rated and all control wire is #16 AWG, type XLPE with a 125� temperature rating.

Durable powder-coated steel NEMA 1, 3R or 12 enclosures with three door hinges.

The hinges have removable hinge pins to facilitate door removal and are supplied with pad-lockable latches


Rating Range 200 to 5000A
Transfer Type Open Transition
Switch Type Power Breaker
Control Power Fixed Mount 200-3200A 2, 3, or 4 Pole<br>Drawout 200-5000A 2-, 3-, 4-pole
System Voltage Application 120 - 600 Vac, 50/60 Hz
Time Withstand 85,000 for 30 cycles
Withstand 100,000 amps withstand/closing/ interrupting at 600 Vac
Applicable Testing <br>CSA C22.2 No. 178 certified</br><br>IBC 2006, CBC 2007 and OSHPD</br>

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