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Cat Oil & Gas Equipment

Gas and oil well operators in Kentucky, Southern Indiana, West Virginia and Southeastern Ohio — along with teams across the country and around the world — have relied on hard-working Cat engines for more than 80 years.

It takes rugged, reliable equipment, and a lot of it, to effectively extract natural gas or oil from underground or underwater locations. Decade after decade, the partnership between Boyd CAT and Caterpillar has kept our region’s petroleum operations equipped with the high-performing power needed to get the job done quickly, efficiently, and safely.

Whether you’re wildcatting or production drilling, Cat has the right equipment for the job, and Boyd CAT can get it to your jobsite.

Engine Rebuild Experts

Count on Boyd CAT

For Leading Technology

Low operating cost and proven reliability made Cat engines the top choice for oilfields around the world, and the company never stops innovating. Today’s Cat oil and gas equipment can exceed the most ambitious production goals, run on almost any fuel and meet the toughest emissions standards.

For Expert Service

We’ve been in business since 1913, providing superior equipment at affordable prices and giving clients the best service in the region. Your Boyd sales reps can help you choose the best equipment for your needs and budget, and our expert techs can help you keep operating costs down with cost-effective service and repairs.

Browse Boyd CAT’s oil & gas equipment options here. Have questions or need support? Your rep is ready to help.

Save on Cat Equipment

Special Offers

From flexible financing options to limited-time discounts, we're always adding new ways to save on the Cat equipment you need. Click below to see the latest.

Used Equipment

Boyd CAT's extensive used equipment inventory includes a wide array of Cat machines and quality equipment from allied brands. It changes almost daily — click below to browse what's available now.

Tap Boyd CAT for all your oil & gas equipment needs.

Sales to Service and Rentals, We Do it All

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