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Boyd Company Merger Customer FAQ

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (December 10, 2020) Boyd Company leadership announced today, effective January 1, 2021, Cecil I. Walker Machinery Co. will complete its merger with Whayne Supply Company and officially operate under Boyd Company.

“Our promise is, and has always been, to put our customers first in everything we do,” Boyd Company Executive Vice President and CFO Joseph Yoerg said. “This merger allows us to make the day-to-day easier for our customers, our employees and our valued industry partners.”

This change comes after more than ten months of transitioning the branding from Whayne and Walker to Boyd CAT throughout internal and external channels, led by President and CEO Monty Boyd.

Once the legal change takes effect on January 1, customers will be able to download a copy of our new W-9 by visiting our website. Please note that the Tax Identification number for Boyd Company will remain unchanged from the previous Whayne Tax Identification Number.

Boyd Company now has a single remittance address for all payments. All payments should be made payable to Boyd Company and remitted to Boyd Company, Department 8326, Carol Stream, IL 60122-8326. Any and all active contracts between Whayne Supply Company or Cecil I. Walker Machinery Co. will remain intact and extend to Boyd Company.

“Simpler invoicing, combined machine and parts inventory, and expanded rental fleets are some of the ways we are streamlining our processes to make it easiest to work with us,” Yoerg added.

Whayne Supply and Walker Machinery are two of the oldest Caterpillar dealerships – founded in 1913 and 1950 respectfully. With 175 years of combined history, Whayne Supply and Walker Machinery have provided best in class service, equipment, and parts as the authorized Caterpillar dealer throughout Kentucky, Southern Indiana, West Virginia, and Southeastern Ohio. Boyd Company is proud to carry on these legacies for years to come.


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